Large Twayblade ~ Liparis lilifolia
It was by pure chance I noticed this orchid in late May because it was late in the evening and the sun was low enough to be highlighting the plant.
I went back to the park the following day to photograph it and walked back and forth in the area about 8 times before finding it again. Needless to say these orchids are very inconspicuous.
I found these two pink flowering Large Twayblades as well as a smaller version with a light yellow flower. The most interesting thing is that I walk this trail almost every day and have never noticed them before and I consider myself pretty observant.
Early this spring, the City did an extensive prescribed burn of the park of the prairie area as well as a woodland ridge (esker) where this plant was found.
I would be curious to know if the burn was a contributing factor alone, or if the multiple years of buckthorn removal (cutting & late fall herbicide applications) have also contributed in the resurgence of these woodland orchids?
Any comments or insight welcome.