Native Plant of the Week: Bishop's Cap ~ Mitella diphylla

Bishop's Cap ~ Mitella diphylla

Other Common Name: Two-Leaved Miterwort

Bishop's Cap is a versatile perennial native that can be found growing in a variety of exposures and soils from woodlands to open cliffs.

Similar to a Heuchera in appearance with round, lobed basal leaves and tall flower stalks (4-8"). The opposite leaves on the flower stalk are stemless and clasp the stem.

The flower petals look like snow flakes as they open from the bottom up on the flower stalk. Tiny, shiny black seeds form in capsules that open and are wind dispersed. Bishop's Cap will reseed around the parent plant forming a nice colony.

The leaves and flower stalks are sometimes browsed by deer and rabbits but once you have a small population established you will still have plenty of flowers.

Bishop's Cap is readily available at most native plant nurseries. It works well in a partial shade woodland garden as well as a dry sandy soil in more open sites.

It is native to eastern North America from Ontario south to Arkansas and eastwards.